A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast
Welcome to A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast, the podcast where we respond to your questions and comments on issues of faith, social justice and church life. Don't be afraid to write in and ask your question because if it matters to you, it matters to us and it just might be a matter of faith. Whether it be faith in God, faith in others or faith in yourself. We are brought to you by the Office of Faith-Based Investing & Corporate Engagement, the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, and Unbound: An Interactive Journal on Christian Social Justice for the Presbyterian Church (USA). Submit questions to faithpodcast@pcusa.org. LISTENING GUIDES FOUND IN PODCAST SHOW NOTES.
A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast
Corporate Impact on Communities w/ Emma Lockridge
Special Guest:
Emma Lockridge, Writer & Environmental Justice Activist
Question of the Week:
We hear stories about communities located near major facilities of manufacturing, oil, gas, or petroleum companies are impacted by those facilities in terms of their health and environment. One well known example is communities in “cancer alley” in Louisiana that are severely affected by air pollution from nearby petrochemical plants and refineries. But there are many other examples around the US and the world. How can people of faith support local communities seeking justice for the impacts that corporations have on them?
For Listening Guides, click here!
Got a question for us? Send them to faithpodcast@pcusa.org!
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